A Cyclical Journey Design

The Regenerative Leadership Journey is designed around a cyclical approach. Over the course of a year we travel deep into core pillars of regenerative wisdom - we explore frameworks, theories, practices and cases in a carefully designed cyclical wheel that follows the 4 main energetic seasons of the living world.

The cyclical cycle of the Regenerative Leadership Journey. Illustration by Anna Denardin


We begin our journey with the energy of the Winter season. No matter where we find ourselves on the planet, we believe that any fruitful journey begins with a pause. A quiet space to reflect. A space to reflect around our role as future ancestors. 

The practice of wintering is as essential for regenerative leaders as it is for any living system to nurture a fertile and nourished soil. In the darkness of the winter-time we also move into the shadows. With openness and courage we explore the root-causes of the degenerative systems we find ourselves entangled in today. We come to know that the regenerative approach has to be a de-colonial one that heals rather than adds to the Story of Separation. We receive the invitation to begin or deepen our unlearning and to train our lens to see and interrupt extractive internalized patterns in our society, business models, leadership and personal behavior. 

In this season we cover sessions on:

- Inner Soil Cultivation as the foundation for new life

- Becoming Good Ancestors

- Healing the Story of Separation


As Nature welcomes life to emerge once again, we welcome the opportunity to receive living systems wisdom - the very principles and logic of life itself! We learn how life creates conditions conducive for more life, by its very design. What if we could design human-made systems the same way? Base our business models on that life-affirming logic?

We begin to ask ourselves how we can translate these principles into our leadership and roles as ecosystem nurturers and facilitators. We also sit with a self-evaluation framework for regenerative organizations: namely the dynamic Regenerative Business & Leadership DNA wheel, to gain an understanding of how we can design thriving regenerative organizations rooted in living systems thinking.

In this season we cover sessions on:

- Learning from Living Systems 

- Becoming Ecosystem Nurturers

- The DNA of Regenerative Business & Leadership  


The  season and energy of Summer is one of doing, cultivating, growing and gardening! We roll up our sleeves and take our first steps forward by taking all that we have learned and explored so far on our journey and get our hands into the soil by applying it to our own lives and organizations.

As a community we gather to bravely share real-life leadership and business cases, scenarios and stories from the heart. They are messy and imperfect, vulnerable - just like the times we find ourselves in on the planet. We support each other to collectively find regenerative pathways forward. We also zoom in on which leadership capacities we need to cultivate in order to thrive in the regenerative transition period. 

In this season we have multiple sessions where the community of journey travellers presents challenges and we apply our collective wisdom. We call them Wisdom Seat Sessions. We also explore Regenerative Leadership Capacities.


The season of Autumn is a time of harvest, preserving and integration. In our community this is the season for community-led self-organized sessions, held by fellow co-travellers who want to explore questions, topics, solutions, ideas within the safe space of our shared container.

Collectively we sit with inquiries around what we have learned about ourselves, our leadership and how we want to show up in the world. What’s our essence and what’s our unique medicine for the regenerative era going to be? How do we integrate all that we have moved through over the course of our year together in ways that holds space for our inner evolutionary emergence?

We seal the year back in the season of winter with a powerful closing ceremony to guide our way on. 

In this season we have sessions on:

- Your unique potent medicine

- Essence: Self, Place, System 

- Weaving it all together: Applying all we have learned on cases.

You can join us on the 2024 Regenerative Leadership Journey is you sign up before January 10, 2024. See more information here.

Ida Mosberg